Sunday, November 29, 2015

Blog Post #L- Chapter 12

          Technology integration is something that most students find wonderful and great and helpful especially to visual learners. With technology, there are so many innovated apps and games that can help students with any subject such as math, reading, spelling and so forth. However, there are many debates as to whether or not it is helpful or instead worsens the students learning the ability. Some think that rather than help the student learn instead they will play games or surf the internet all day rather than pay attention to the teacher or play with those innovated apps. There are also those parents who believe that the students can learn so much from technology because it provides an array of information from all across the globe.
            Inclusion and Infusion of technology also plays an important role not only with students but also with the ones who introduce it, the educators. Educators must also learn the ways of technology and keep updated in order to help the students succeed. In order to do this, they too must take courses to keep up with the latest apps and software. This way technology is infused and used with academic core standards as well as NET-S
             Digital inequalities are definitely something that will be a problem that unfortunately many schools encounter even in the era that we are living in. In the school district, I live in recently upgraded to BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) program and it was mandatory for all the students to bring some sort of technology to school. Although I personally didn’t see this as an issue because most children seemed to have the latest and greatest phone however in the community this is when I realized not many have that privilege. For instance, a family member of ours that had three daughters in school had a difficult time  trying to get this because they only had one computer in which all the three girls shared to do homework and research for projects. We helped her overcome this issue but this isn’t the same for everyone else so renting or going to a public library is the best next thing one can do. In school children can use computers but at home isn’t always guaranteed that privilege and rely on public libraries or friends home. 


10 Ways Students Can BYOD. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2015, from

Digital Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2015, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Post # K- CHapter 6

I truly and sincerely enjoy reading each week different chapters because there is so much technology out there that even as a person who grew up with technology have no knowledge to these varies subjects or apps.  One new subject I learned through this chapter is social bookmarking which I think is an extremely wonderful subject that could be very beneficial to students. Social bookmarking is basically where one can tag online resources that interest a person or can be useful for them.  However, the best part about social bookmarking is that it is more of a community group and with one can make it public or private, but if it is public others with the same interest can help with this search. This helps with the search process because each person may have researched a different topic so in the end when all these different research come together then you get one huge amount of resources that facilitate your search.
Skype, Oovoo these are just a few of the apps that people use to  communicate with one another online, but it’s not just hearing on another  like a phone call it is also being able to see one another to make it seem more realistic. Technology has advanced so much more that now big companies and even classrooms have access to communicate through video conference. Video conferences allow students to communicate with one another simultaneously for an item such as discussing a group topic or assignments that require the students to collaborate in a group.  This is also something convenient for anyone to use because if ones at home they could easily use their laptop if they are on the go they could also have access to it through their smartphone which most students typically have. All in all with video conference it gives the students a fell as if they were actual with the group next to one another rather than having them miles and miles away which, in essence, helps students that don’t have the time to go meet up with group members.
             One main topic that for me stood out the most was online learning and virtual schools. With online learning and virtual school it facilities schooling more easily for anyone from adults to students.  For instance, an adult who has a family but wants to further their education but still has to work to maintain his family than virtual school is the best method for him. With a virtual school, this man would be able to continue his education for his degree on his free time without the hassle of having to find time in his busy schedule to drive all the way up to the campus and wait hours for the lectures. Online learning allows students to take it on their convenience, students with online learning can take lessons, turn in assignments, everything that a regular campus would have.

                                                                                                                                                   Resources:                                                                                                                                                  Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Rios Moreno, P. (November 11, 2015)                                                                                                                                                                Technology created with Lino

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blog Post #J- Chapter 11

While reading the textbook I came across a new strategy that I had never heard of but really captured my attention and I believe it could be wonderful for the classroom. This is called Democratic Schools and Classroom in which the students and the education together choose what will be taught throughout the school year.  Of course just like the actual democratic system there are rules and requirements that must be followed and, in this case, it would be the school rules as well as the state core standards and curriculum.  Although there are many different opinions as to whether this really does work or worsen the school I believe it could be a great opportunity to allow the student to become more mature and think as an adult. With this, it gives them a chance to put themselves in an educators shoes thus, seeing the difficulty in it and allow students to be more cooperative towards certain lessons. The democratic schools and classroom system also allow students to work together to come up with what will be taught throughout the year.

With the democratic system, there are also many other ways to get the classroom more engaged in the lessons. One suggested in the textbook was the Student Participation System which are when students are given a handheld wireless tool to get the students interact with the lessons. For example, one high spoken form are clickers which are basically little remotes that allow students to answer the question a teacher might place in front of them.  With clickers and educator could easily create a game such as Jeopardy or Who Wants to be a Millionaire games shows, this way students are actively engaged all the while getting assessed to see if the topic is being learned or if there is a need to review and if so which areas need more review. This could also be very helpful in situations such as reviewing for finals or state test that may be coming up, the possibilities are endless. With the help of technology, there are so many better effective ways for an educator to capture the student’s attention.

Overall the most significant portion of the textbook that I found most important and helpful that would benefit me in the future is the Digital Teaching Portfolio. When in high school I was originally was going to study Early Childhood Education which at the end in order to get you certifications one must build a profile from the time one began to till the very end. This is very similar to the digital teaching portfolio however the difference is with digital it is all done online which in essences is a huge benefit to teachers. The best part about it is that one can have access to it just about anytime without having to haul around a big binder that holds the portfolio or have to fear that the pages might fall out or so forth.  From my perspective I also think it’s great because it allows one to go back and reference items that may be used in another subject/topic. All in all, it’s a wonderful way to reflect and look back in the way one had grown as an educator but more importantly who one can better themselves.
 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Rios Moreno, P. (November 11, 2015)

Technology created with FlipQuiz