Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Post # K- CHapter 6

I truly and sincerely enjoy reading each week different chapters because there is so much technology out there that even as a person who grew up with technology have no knowledge to these varies subjects or apps.  One new subject I learned through this chapter is social bookmarking which I think is an extremely wonderful subject that could be very beneficial to students. Social bookmarking is basically where one can tag online resources that interest a person or can be useful for them.  However, the best part about social bookmarking is that it is more of a community group and with one can make it public or private, but if it is public others with the same interest can help with this search. This helps with the search process because each person may have researched a different topic so in the end when all these different research come together then you get one huge amount of resources that facilitate your search.
Skype, Oovoo these are just a few of the apps that people use to  communicate with one another online, but it’s not just hearing on another  like a phone call it is also being able to see one another to make it seem more realistic. Technology has advanced so much more that now big companies and even classrooms have access to communicate through video conference. Video conferences allow students to communicate with one another simultaneously for an item such as discussing a group topic or assignments that require the students to collaborate in a group.  This is also something convenient for anyone to use because if ones at home they could easily use their laptop if they are on the go they could also have access to it through their smartphone which most students typically have. All in all with video conference it gives the students a fell as if they were actual with the group next to one another rather than having them miles and miles away which, in essence, helps students that don’t have the time to go meet up with group members.
             One main topic that for me stood out the most was online learning and virtual schools. With online learning and virtual school it facilities schooling more easily for anyone from adults to students.  For instance, an adult who has a family but wants to further their education but still has to work to maintain his family than virtual school is the best method for him. With a virtual school, this man would be able to continue his education for his degree on his free time without the hassle of having to find time in his busy schedule to drive all the way up to the campus and wait hours for the lectures. Online learning allows students to take it on their convenience, students with online learning can take lessons, turn in assignments, everything that a regular campus would have.

                                                                                                                                                   Resources:                                                                                                                                                  Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Rios Moreno, P. (November 11, 2015)                                                                                                                                                                Technology created with Lino

1 comment:

  1. Nice Lino board - similar to Padlet and can be used in a variety of ways to capture student thinking and/or post information. It sounds like you have really picked up a lot of technology tools in your reading and trying them out is the best way to develop a level of comfort and to decide how to best use them in your lessons. Great reflections, too, regarding online learning - it isn't for everyone, but it sure does expand one's opportunity for earning credit and learning something new. :)
